Friday, August 29, 2008


The city will operate a "free speech stage" located across the street from the Excel Energy Center. Here is the list of speakers who have signed up:

I'm interested in the following speakers:

September 1

Wendell Anderson - The former Democratic governor of Minnesota; an honorable man.
A Dissertation on Dissent.

September 2

Peace Island Picnic - The newspaper description: "former FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley, who trying to drum up excitement for her "Peace Island" event Sept. 4 on Harriet Island." Rowley unsuccessfully sought a Congressional seat in 2004. Watching several interviews with her, my impression was that she gave canned answers, and didn't display any intellectual depth.

September 3

Liberty Discussion Group

September 4

CODEPINK: Women for Peace - A real whacko group that I'm familiar with.

Finally, I'm pleased at today's selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to run with Sen. McCain. She's hot!

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