Wild River State Park, my first camping trip in over a decade.
Living in St. Paul, there is always the noise of traffic. I needed to experience the quiet of the Boundrey Waters, or of my annual canoe trips down a river, where the only sounds heard are the sounds of Nature. Upon our arrival on Wednesday, we got site A-14. It was quiet. I was the only camper in the A loop.http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/state_parks/spk00254_camp.pdf There were only two other campers in the park! It was heaven.
We had two exciting experiences. First, during the second evening while I was reading and Jack was laying nearby, suddenly near our campsite, a preditor got his prey. The death scream was loud and scary. I was startled. Jack immediately got up and growled loudly, the first time I've heard him growl. I like to think that Jack saved me from also being attacked by a bear, a pack of wolves, or some other beast. Second, as the above photo shows, while biking I noticed a snake crossing the bike path. Jack, wasn't very interested in a petty garter snake, but I was.
We explored the park by bike, but next time I'll bring my bike with the pet carrier so Jack doesn't get too much exercise and we can travel farther.
Now I'm busy planning our next trip. I want some fall colors.